About us

About us

"Central Design-engineering Bureau for modernization of power equipment of power plants" until 1991 - the branch of the Moscow Research and Project Institute "Central Design-engineering Bureau for modernization of power equipment of power plants", which was established in 1956 and was an organization for development, implementation, methodological support of technical re-equipment, reconstruction, modernization and maintenance of equipment of power plants in the field of resolving project and engineering, technological, organizational and economic tasks. The Tashkent branch of this organization was mainly engaged in development of project documentation for maintenance of power boilers of thermal power plants, modernization of power equipment in order to reduce hazardous emissions at the existing power plants..


In 1996 the company was privatized in the form of CJSC and in 2010 transformed into "SKB" LLC. Currently, in accordance with the priorities of the Republic, the company is focused on providing engineering and consulting services in energy efficiency of industrial enterprises and buildings, implementation of renewable energy sources, development of innovative products and have a highly qualified professionals with extensive experience in the field of electricity, energy efficiency, as well as small-scale and alternative energy. The availability of highly qualified personnel, unrivaled expertise related with accomplished projects and developments, long-term successful experience of cooperation with manufacturers of power equipment, industrial companies, and academic institutions allows "SKB" LLC resolve energy efficiency and energy saving problems of industrial enterprises effectively in an integrated manner.